How To Lose Weight in 7 Days

How To Lose Weight in 7 Days

How many times have you agonized over those few extra inches that were added to your waist?

Let us answer that for you! Too many times.

All of us who have no intention of packing in those few extra pounds, but who nevertheless continue to do

so, know how it feels to try, and fail, to lose weight.

What is weight loss?

Weight loss is the reduction in total body mass that occurs as a result of the loss of body fluid, body fat or

adipose tissue, and/or lean mass. Weight loss occurs when the amount of energy expended exceeds the

energy intake.

What are the types of weight loss?

A person can lose weight on purpose, for personal reasons, such as to look good. This is called intentional

weight loss which is done by following a specific diet, and weight loss regime. However, if a person loses

weight unintentionally over 6-12 months, due to some underlying health issues, this is called unintentional

weight loss.

Use Our Weight Loss Calculator to know the right amount of calories you need everyday to achieve your

target weight.

It is to be noted that cutting calories to attain healthy weight is desirable. However, taking pains to lose

weight to fit social stereotypes, when you already have healthy weight, is NOT recommended.

Weight Loss Calculator

Weight Loss Calculator

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